Monday, January 22, 2007'am pelegrino........

"Jounal Writing"
The lessons that we have discussed
We have discussed about the cell divisions-mitosis and meiosis.The 2 types of cells, parts of the
cell, the stages of mitosis.
Genetics, Hereditary characters, organized characteristics, principle of inheritance
Mendel's Principles, Dihybrid and Monohybrid crosses, Punnett Square, genome, Non-Mendeli-
an Principles and reproductive system.
The topics that I cannot understand
One of our topics that I cannot understand are the stages of mitosis.
The most interesting topic
The Punnett Square because we have to look for the gametes of the male and female,
it's genotype, phenotype, genotypic ratio, phenotypic ratio.
this are the only questions I know..........

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